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Some day u'll cry for me like I cried for you,
Some day u'll miss me like I missed you,
Some day u'll need me like I needed you

Frustrated cuz I can't tell if it's real, mad cuz I dont know how you feel, upset cuz we can't make it right, sad cuz I need you day and night, Angry cuz you wont take my hand, Aggricated cuz you dont understand, Dissapointed cause we cant be together, But still.....I will love you 4 ever!

If the stars where your eyes, they'd be all over space, so I'd glare up at night and stare up at your face, If the sea was your heart and the waves where my mind, together we would be, existing as time, but since you are up there and I'm down here, I'll wish on the moon, To know when you are near.

2oo3 Carolann Beattie 0.a.M 2oo3

It's a girl's world...boys just live in it !!

Boys are like bank accounts....

without much money...

they don't generate much interest !

A girl is much more than she seems,

not a toy by any means,

underneath all the makeup and hair,

is a sign saying "Handle with Care".

A golden rule to live by, to keep us girls on track:

NEVER love a player, cuz he'll NEVER love you back.

I'm like a butterfly...

Pretty to look at....but hard two catch !

2o !x! ~*Carolann LvS Andy*~ !x! o3